Why Memory Foam Is The Popular Yet Toxic Choice

Memory foam began as an ingenious shock absorbing material for airline pilots and passengers and has evolved over the last 40 years to be a widely popular mattress material microsoft office starter 2010 kostenlos vollversion. Touted as pressure-relieving along with the ability to yield to any person’s sleeping position, memory foam has built a reputation of being the bed that fits everyone zeitstrahl powerpoint download kostenlos. However, what many people are not aware of are the health consequences of memory foam. If used repeatedly over time, memory foam continues to release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde, methylene chloride as well as other petroleum-based materials herunterladen.









Many sleep-focused blogs and companies have claimed that studies have been done that prove these compounds do not pose any harm, even saying the minute amounts over time do not contribute to any allergies or illness adobe reader 10 kostenlosen deutsch. In fact, some companies even go as far to say that these compounds already exist elsewhere in our day-to-day lives so the additional amounts from a memory foam mattress or pillow will not make a difference herunterladen!

Let’s apply their logic to a situation we all are familiar with: fast food. At one point in our lives, we have probably tried some fast food and our friends have told us that consuming it is fine, as the health consequences from a few times are not significant rental contract for free. Unfortunately, that is not the case. There is a saying that too much of a good thing is actually bad, so if there is too much of a bad thing, then it becomes even worse ls19 onlineen.











So let’s get back to the matter at hand: how bad can memory foam actually be wie kann man legal musik von youtubeen? Let’s familiarize ourselves with the most common chemicals present in memory foam:

  • Polyurethane – a byproduct of petroleum, made into flexible foam
  • Formaldehyde – a carcinogenic product of oxidized methanol

These two components make up the majority of memory foams in the market, making it really easy to choose a toxic mattress youtube videosen konvertieren. Exposure to small amounts of polyurethane over time leads to a number of respiratory problems such as asthma, eye & throat irritation, constant headaches, nausea, as well as the inability to breath normally rufus kostenlos herunterladen.

Formaldehyde exposure is linked to irritation in the eyes, throat and nasal cavities and even ALS disease where motor neurons break down and die faster. Despite its classification as a carcinogen by the U.S government, its use is prevalent in daily life. With that in mind, we should recognize that we still have a choice over choosing a mattress that does not have formaldehyde or polyurethane.

Due to existing laws, it is still easy to bypass VOCs limits in mattresses. Thankfully, the market for mattresses that do not contain these chemicals has grown considerably over recent years. At Palmpring, we have done the research and triple-checked our processes to ensure that our products do not contain any harmful chemicals. As a result, our products do not lead to respiratory issues or nerve deterioration later in life, but rather blissful nights of sleep with the assurance that you will not be in contact with any toxic chemicals.

Sleeping in unsafe conditions has become the easy norm. At Palmpring, we want to reverse that and make healthful rest a standard. Visit our Pasadena showroom to see how easy the first step can be!