If your child has special needs or if you have a unique situation, talk about it in your agreement. To get the best deal, use the template for the Custody X Change educational plan and then add any additional information relevant to your circumstances. “Legal proceedings have become inevitable and have been both stressful and tiring. Shortly after the court`s first decision, I realized that there were important agreements that had not been clarified and, unfortunately, they became controversial. These included the agreement on what my ex-wife and I would take if the children were sick or did not go to school on training days, as well as indirect contact agreements. Once again, we could not reach an agreement and we had to go to court to get a revised court order. For more information about parenting rules, you should first read the brochure marriage, family and separation and how I ask for educational missions. “I found it useful because it raised a number of questions that helped me consider educational situations and contingencies that I might not have expected otherwise – that`s precisely why I had to go back to court to change the court order regarding my sons! The educational plan invites you to think about the situations that can arise, in which both parents have to make a decision together. For example, my ex-wife and I had to talk when my eldest son chose his GCSE options. They advised that quiet negotiations get the best results, and I hoped my ex-wife and I could solve things that way. I had also thought about trying family mediation, but the other party wrote that they didn`t want to go that route. Your agreement should explain how you and the other parent make decisions for your child regarding medical care, dental care, education, religion, extracurricular activities, etc.
No no. A parental agreement cannot be enforced in court, like other agreements and contracts dealing with property. You should also make a plan on how you and the other parent handle the extra expenses for the child and include the information in your agreement. These include expenses related to school activities and other things that helping children may not cover. There are no strict rules on how parents should make an agreement to care for a child after their separation. . . .