Postnuptial Agreement In Florida

Therefore, it is important to consult an experienced Tampa attorney for pre-marital agreement, while creating a pre-marital agreement and before signing a pre-marital agreement. Many divorce firms offer free preliminary advice for these types of legal matters. a post-terminating contract is very similar to a marriage contract in terms of requirements and content; The main difference is that a succession contract is concluded after the parties have married legally. Since the parties are legally married, the law imposes an additional condition before the court recognizes and imposes a complementary contract: full financial disclosure. In other words, under the following contract, both spouses must confirm that they have truthfully and accurately informed each other of their complete financial situation. This prevents a spouse from receiving a windfall of assets (for example. B the lottery win) and to hide such a patrimony from the other spouse. It is therefore important that the following contracts take due account of the specific needs and circumstances of both spouses. The Court of Appeal of the Third District found that, in this case, the marriage contract was not clear as to whether the wife waived her voting rights and that, consequently, the Court of Justice duly admitted probative evidence of the parties` intention. While the court finally found that the wife waived her electoral rights after verifying the woman`s statement of the parties` intent, the case shows that it is essential that the parties expressly waive their electoral rights in the marriage contract if this is provided for. .

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