Why-Your-Child-Should-be-Sleeping-on-an-Organic-Mattress Palmpring Organic Mattress

Why Your Child Should be Sleeping on an Organic Mattress

One of the first and most important decisions you’ll make for your child is choosing their mattress. From their crib mattress to their twin mattress, it is important to remember...
Lovepreet Kaur
Why-Organic-Cotton Palmpring Organic Mattress

Why Organic Cotton?

Most of us know the importance of incorporating organic food into our diets and limiting our exposure to chemicals, artificial ingredients, and additives as much as possible. But have you...
Lovepreet Kaur
Palmpring-Foundation-vs.-Conventional-Box-Spring Palmpring Organic Mattress

Palmpring Foundation vs. Conventional Box Spring

A mattress foundation – commonly called a “box spring”- is used to give the mattress support, height, shock absorption, reduce wear, and to create a flat, even surface for the...
Lovepreet Kaur
Keeping-Your-Bedding-Clean-and-Fresh Palmpring Organic Mattress

Keeping Your Bedding Clean and Fresh

Maintaining clean bedding is essential for a good night’s sleep. The buildup of dead skin cells, oils, sweat, dirt, dust mites  other allergens can disrupt your sleeping patterns . They can affect...
Lovepreet Kaur