The word “organic” has been in mainstream culture and vocabulary long enough that it’s definitely not a passing fad anymore . People love buying organic fruits, vegetables, meats, juices and grains. It’s better for your body and usually better for the environment. But there’s been a new wave of organic products hitting the market recently . Organic clothing, soaps and other products have become more popular. Even mattresses can be made from organic materials now.

So what is an organic mattress ? They’re made entirely from natural materials like organic cotton, latex and wool, and are cultivated without pesticides and manufactured without harmful chemicals . You spend one third of your life sleeping, so it’s important to pay attention to what you sleep on. Poor-quality mattresses can be detrimental to your health . They can negatively affect your sleep, make you sick and hurt your back. Investing in a good mattress made with quality materials can make you feel better and sleep better for years to come .

There are many benefits to sleeping on an organic mattress. When you sleep on an organic mattress, you won’t be in contact with many of the chemicals used on other mattresses . Many companies use harsh chemicals to make them fire-resistant, while most organic mattresses use naturally flame-retardant wool. As a bonus, wool is also resistant to mold and bacterial growth, meaning that you’ll be less likely to get sick . Many organic mattresses are also hypoallergenic.

Organic mattresses are also better for the environment. The materials are grown without any pesticides or harmful chemicals being added to the soil or water . Plus, they’re often sustainably sourced, so you won’t be depleting resources for the mattress. The production process uses non-toxic methods and is chemical-free, so it won’t further pollute the environment .

Buying an organic mattress is a worthwhile investment that will help you sleep better while protecting the environment.

Lovepreet Kaur